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Bed head washing

Set of hygienic measures, performed by the nurse, to maintain hair hygiene in a bedridden patient.


– To provide the bedridden patient with the necessary grooming to maintain hair and scalp hygiene. – To provide well-being to the patient. – To avoid the proliferation of parasites. – Activate the blood circulation of the scalp.


– Comb or brush. – Towels. – Basin and a jug. – Hand dryer. – Chair. – Washing machine.


– Shampoo (anti-parasite if necessary). – Softening cream. – Soaker. – Non-sterile gloves. – Cotton swabs. – Laundry bag. – Nursing records.


– Perform hand washing. – Prepare the material. – Preserve the patient’s privacy. – Inform the patient. – Request the collaboration of the patient and family. – Maintain adequate room temperature 25-26 º C. – Avoid drafts. – Protect the patient from falls. – Put on gloves.

– Place the bed in horizontal position and the patient in supine position. – Remove bed head. – Place the patient on the edge of the bed in the Roser position (supine and head hanging over the top of the bed). – Place the soaker under the patient’s shoulders. – Place a towel around the neck and cotton swabs plugging the ears. – Place the basin or wash basin under the patient’s head, on a chair. – The temperature of the water in the basin should be 35-37º C. Proceed to wash. – Rinse abundantly with water. Apply softening cream and rinse. – Dry well with a towel. Comb and dry with a hand dryer. – Remove the cotton swabs from the ears. – Leave the patient in a comfortable position. – Collect the material. – Remove gloves. – Perform hand washing. – Record in the nursing documentation: procedure, reason, date and time, incidences and patient’s response.


– Perform head washing at least once a week if there is no contraindication, or when the patient or the nurse considers it necessary. – Head washing with basin due to the roser position is contraindicated in some cases: 1. increased intracranial pressure. 2. Loss of cerebrospinal fluid. 3. Open incisions in the scalp. 4. Cervical lesions. 5. Tracheotomy. 6. Respiratory distress.[/et_pb_text][/et_pb_column][/et_pb_row][/et_pb_section]

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