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Eye Hygiene

Set of measures, performed by the nursing staff aimed at maintaining in good condition of the eyes.


To provide the patient with the necessary grooming to keep, the eyes clean and moist, avoiding irritation, infections, eyelid edema and corneal erosions.


– Bathing tray.


– Sterile gauze. – Non sterile gloves. – 2 sterile 10cc. syringes. – Sterile saline solution at room temperature. – Nursing records.


– Perform hand washing. – Prepare the material. – Preserve the patient’s privacy. – Inform the patient. – Request the collaboration of the patient and family. – If the patient is unconscious, place him/her in the supine or semi-fowler position. If the patient is conscious in Fowler position. – Put on gloves. – Load the syringes with physiological saline solution. – Moisten a gauze pad with saline solution and wipe from the inner to the outer corner of each eye until it is clear of secretions. Use a different gauze for each eyelid and for each eye. Do all this with the eyelids closed. – Then, open the patient’s eyelids with the index finger and thumb of one hand and with the other hand instill physiological saline solution from the opposite side of the tear duct. Use a sterile syringe for each eye. Always keep the head tilted to the side of the eye being washed. – Dry each eye with a sterile gauze. – Gently close the eyelids. – Leave the patient in a comfortable position. – Collect the material. – Remove gloves. – Wash hands. – Record in the nursing documentation: procedure, reason, date and time, incidences and patient’s response.


– Avoid direct light on the patient’s eyes during the procedure. – In unconscious patients, apply epithelizing cream after cleaning. Leave the eyes covered with gauze moistened with saline solution, renew the gauze every 2 hours or when it dries. Complete eye hygiene in these patients is recommended every 8 hours.


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