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How can I prevent vaginitis?

The best way to keep your vagina healthy is to avoid anything that might affect its natural balance or irritate it.

How can I avoid vaginitis?

Everyone’s body is different, so what causes vaginitis in some people is not a problem for others. However, in general, anything that changes the natural balance of your vagina can cause vaginitis.

Other things that can cause vaginitis are allergic reactions or sensitivity to different products, materials or activities. Here are some ways to keep your vulva and vagina healthy:

Do not use scented tampons or sanitary napkins. Also, do not use vaginal deodorants or scented “feminine hygiene” products. If you are concerned about the odor of your vagina, your doctor can tell you if it is normal or not.

If they irritate your skin, don’t use bath products (such as soaps or bubble baths) or scented laundry products, or colored or scented toilet paper.

Don’t douche, because douching kills the good, healthy organisms that maintain your natural balance. Also, if you already have a vaginal infection, douching can make it worse. The vagina cleans itself; you don’t need to clean your vagina from the inside. The best way to clean your genitals is to wash your vulva with mild, unscented soap or just clean water. Vaginitis has nothing to do with how clean you are, so douching or douching does not cure it.

Vaginitis develops faster when your vulva is moist. Be sure to keep your genitals as dry as possible. When you wear bathing suits, don’t leave them on while they are wet. Also, don’t leave wet clothes on or wear pants that are too tight and uncomfortable.

When you shower, wash your vulva with mild soap and water. Then dry your genitals thoroughly. Wear cotton underwear or underwear that has a cotton genitalia covering. This gives your genitals better ventilation and helps keep them dry. Change your underwear every day.

Change tampons and pads every 4 to 8 hours. Wash your menstrual cup and sex toys carefully, following the instructions.

Clean yourself well after pooping to prevent germs from your anus from being passed to your vulva, which can cause a vaginal infection. If you have anal sex, be sure to wash anything that has entered your anus (fingers, sex toys, or penis) thoroughly before it touches your vagina (or use a new condom).

Certain types of lubricants and spermicides can cause irritation in some people. If this happens to you, stop using them or try a different brand. If you have a latex allergy, you can use polyurethane, poly isoprene, or nitrile condoms (these are made of soft plastics and do not have latex).

Know your genitals well. Look at your vulva in a mirror and learn to recognize your normal odors and vaginal discharge. It is normal for your vaginal discharge to change a little during your menstrual cycle. When you know your body well, it is very easy to recognize if something is wrong and get treatment as soon as possible – if you need it.

Can I get vaginitis through sex?

In most cases, vaginitis is not transmitted through sex. However, sometimes vaginitis is caused by a sexually transmitted disease (STD). Trichomoniasis is a very common STD that is usually easily transmitted during sexual contact and often causes vaginitis.

Bacterial vaginosis and vaginal yeast infections are not sexually transmitted infections (STIs). However, sometimes your body can have a bad reaction to another person’s semen, or to the natural yeast and bacteria in your genitals. This can upset the natural balance of your vagina. Studies show that having sex with a new sexual partner, or with multiple (multiple) partners, can make you more likely to get bacterial vaginosis.

Sex can also cause vaginitis if you have an allergy or if you are sensitive to certain types of lubricants, condoms or the material that sex toys are made of. If you have a latex allergy, you can use polyurethane, poly isoprene or nitrile condoms. Also, when there is a lot of friction during vaginal sex, or when vaginal sex is very forceful, it can cause inflammation and discomfort if the tissue covering your vagina becomes irritated.



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