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Nursing care of the patient with fever

Set of activities performed by the nurse when faced with a patient with fever caused by non-environmental factors.


To apply physical means and administer medication to bring the patient’s temperature down to its normal value.


– Clinical thermometer. – Basin. – Basin. – Bed linen. – Ice bag.


– Cold drinks. – Compresses. – Ice. – Prescribed medication. – Nursing records.


– Perform hand washing. – Prepare the material. – Preserve the patient’s privacy. – Inform the patient. – Request the collaboration of the patient and family. – Take the patient’s temperature and confirm fever. – Uncover the patient and cover him/her with a sheet. – Keep the patient’s bed linen clean and dry as well as any dressings, bandages or diapers he/she may be wearing. – Monitor the patient’s temperature. – Assess the patient’s thermoregulation. – Apply physical means: cold compresses in the armpits, groin, popliteal hollows, sponge bath, ice pack. – Maintain an adequate intake of fluids low in carbohydrates. – Administer prescribed antipyretic medication. – Monitor temperature, heart rate, respiratory rate, blood pressure, urine output and level of consciousness. If the heart rate, respiratory rate and temperature are altered, notify the physician. – Collect the material. – Perform hand washing. – Record in nursing documentation: thermoregulation status, procedures performed, date and time, constants, incidences and patient response.


– Do not apply physical aids directly on the skin, put bed linen between them and the patient. Do not administer ice packs for more than 30 minutes. – In pediatric patients’ hyperthermia may cause convulsions. Also avoid sudden drops in temperature because it produces the same effect.

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