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Progression of the oral diet

To institute necessary dietary restrictions with subsequent dietary progression according to patient tolerance.


To facilitate the absorption and digestion of the diet through modification of diet texture.


– Prescribed diet. – Nursing records.


– Preserve the patient’s privacy. – Inform the patient. – Request the collaboration of the patient and family. – Corroborate the prescription of progressive diet. – Determine the presence of bowel sounds and flatus output. – Check the patient’s tolerance to water, if tolerance is good start progression. – The progression of the diet should follow the following phases: liquid, semi-soft, soft and basal diet. – Observe tolerance to diet progression. – Record the patient’s tolerance and stage of diet progression in the nursing documentation.


– Liquid diet: intended for patients who after a period of fasting or after surgery, can not establish a complete diet. Composed of small amounts of food, with fluid textures and easily digestible foods.

– Semi-soft diet: it is a progression diet, so it increases consistency, with the same indications as the previous one. – Shredded diet: chewing and swallowing problems. – Soft or soft mechanical diet: serves as a progression to the basal diet, so it has a soft texture and is easy to chew. Raw vegetables, whole cereals, fried foods and stews are not accepted, fats are limited, especially those of animal origin. – Basal or normal diet: this is the normal diet indicated for patients without any pathology or special recommendation.

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