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Promotion of fecal elimination

Set of measures taken by the nurse to prevent and relieve constipation.


– Facilitate the patient’s daily bowel movement, with hygienic-dietary measures. – Maintain and reestablish the normal pattern of bowel movements. – Educate the patient and family on hygienic-dietary measures to promote fecal elimination.


– See genital hygiene kit. – Stethoscope.

– Material: – Genital hygiene material. – Nursing records.


– Monitor for signs and symptoms of constipation. – Check the correct functioning of the stethoscope. – Check bowel movements through auscultation of the abdomen. – Identify factors (medications, bed rest and diet) that may be the cause of constipation. – Establish a toileting schedule. – Administer a diet rich in fiber and plenty of fluids, if not contraindicated. – Instruct the patient in the correct use of laxatives if necessary. – Encourage the patient to walk or move around in bed. – Preserve privacy and facilitate access to the bathroom. – Administer prescribed laxatives or enemas if needed. – Remove fecal impaction manually, if necessary. – Assist the patient to perform genital hygiene, if needed. – Place the patient in a comfortable position. – Record in nursing documentation: care performed, reason, date and time, incidents and patient response.


If these measures are not effective, inform the physician responsible for the patient.

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