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Standard precautions (first level precautions)

Measures to be adopted by health care personnel before any hospitalized patient, irrespective of the pathology he/she suffers, whenever he/she is going to come into contact with blood or body fluids, except sweat; non-intact skin and mucous membranes.


Prevent transmission of pathogens that are vehiculated through blood or body fluids, non-intact skin and mucous membranes by interposing appropriate barriers.


Equipment necessary to implement the precautions.


– Material necessary to apply precautions, physical barriers such as: gloves, soap, antiseptic, masks, gowns, tights and goggles. – Nursing records.


– Inform the patient and family of the measures taken and their rationale. – Put on gloves whenever you are going to come into contact with any patient mucosa or body fluids except sweat. – Remove gloves after contact with a patient. Do not circulate with gloves – The use of gloves in no case exempts the need for hand decontamination. – Wash hands before and after patient care and when putting on or taking off gloves. – Use the mask, goggles and gown whenever there is a risk of splashing and change them immediately if they become soiled. – In case of splashes of blood or fluids on mucous membranes, wash abundantly with saline (or soap and water) and apply an antiseptic. If the splash occurs in the eyes, apply an antiseptic eye drop. – Needles should NEVER be recapped or manipulated. After the use of any sharp or pointed object, they should be deposited in the containers for sharp and biohazardous material. – In the event of cardiorespiratory arrest, use the ambu to ventilate the patient. – Laboratory samples of blood or body fluids should be sent to the laboratory in closed containers. – If blood or body fluids are spilled on the patient’s skin (intact or not): wash immediately with soap and water and use antiseptic (chlorhexidine and iodine solution). – Disposal of hospital waste shall be in accordance with the biohazardous waste management policy.


– Decontamination of surfaces (vertical and horizontal) contaminated with blood or body fluids shall be done immediately with water and 1/10 bleach.

– Evaluation criteria: Quality indicators are included in each of the sections of the invasive technique procedures.

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